Governor Browns Pension Reform Plan Proposes Big Changes

Governor Brown’s 12 point pension reform plan that was released today outlines big changes to current and future public employees, including California state employees as well as employees of local governments, schools and special districts. The Governor’s plan, while probably outraging institutional Unions, probably does not go far enough for ...Read More

How Will Governor Brown’s Pension Reform Plan Affect Public Safety

How Governor Brown’s Pension Reform Plan Affects Public Safety It appears that Governor Brown has offered some amnesty to Public Safety in his Pension Reform Plan released today at 11:00am, but public safety will be affected, especially new hires. 1. Equal Sharing of Pension Costs: All Employees and Employers: This ...Read More

Main Points of Governor Brown’s Pension Reform Plan

Main Points of Governor Brown’s Pension Reform Plan  1. Equal Sharing of Pension Costs: All Employees and Employers 2. “Hybrid” Risk-Sharing Pension Plan: New Employees 3. Increase Retirement Ages: New Employees 4. Require Three-Year Final Compensation to Stop Spiking: New Employees  5. Calculate Benefits Based on Regular, Recurring Pay to ...Read More

Third District Court of Appeals Grants Aaron Ralls’ Appeal of Trial Courts Ruling

 Goyette & Assocaites Attorney Stephen Palazzo Prevails in Ralls Case The California Third District Court of Appeals grants Aaron Ralls’ appeal of the trial courts ruling. The appellate court orders the trial court to reverse the trial court’s (erroneous) order directing the State Personnel Board to sustain two allegations of ...Read More

Chico CTP Unit Decertifies SEIU and Recognizes Chico Employees Association, represented by Goyette, by a vote of 54 to 2

In a landslide, the City of Chico Classified, Technical and Professional employee unit voted to get rid of SEIU and recognize the newly formed Chico Employees Association as their new representative. 54 to 2 (in a unit with a total size of 67) was the election result, counted on September ...Read More

Is The Penalty Really Appropriate?

 People make mistakes.  In most cases, responsible adults are often willing to admit they’ve made a mistake and are capable of learning from it and moving forward.  While this may seem to be a simple notion of modern society, what happens when the person who made a mistake wears a ...Read More


 As the movement for pension reform gains momentum in Sacramento and throughout California public employee organizations need to carefully look at their message, much of which has not changed in many years. First, public sector employees should be sure that their message or argument is accurate. Next, does that message ...Read More

Assault by Broccoli No Defense for Officer Accused of Excessive Force.

After being stopped for not wearing his seatbelt, driver Mark Anthony Young exited his vehicle and sat on the curb eating his broccoli and tomatoes.  Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Richard Wells ordered Young to, “just have a seat in the truck.” Young declined stating, “I don’t feel like sitting ...Read More

How Do the Big Teacher’s Unions Get Away With It?

How Do the Big Teacher’s Unions Get Away With Such High Dues? As a California public school student through high school, son of a public school employee, and a  long time coach at a public school for fifteen years, I have seen how hard the majority of teachers work, despite ...Read More

CalPERS increases the cost of terminating participation for employers

The CalPERS, Terminated Agency Pool lacks the ability to get more money from employers and taxpayers if investments expected to fund roughly 67% of pension costs fall short. That coupled with the increased number of agencies exploring the idea of terminating their participation in CalPERS lead the Board of Directors ...Read More