Third District Court of Appeals Grants Aaron Ralls’ Appeal of Trial Courts Ruling

 Goyette & Assocaites Attorney Stephen Palazzo Prevails in Ralls Case The California Third District Court of Appeals grants Aaron Ralls’ appeal of the trial courts ruling. The appellate court orders the trial court to reverse the trial court’s (erroneous) order directing the State Personnel Board to sustain two allegations of ...Read More

Not Following Orders? Could Result in Insubordination Allegation

Most people would agree that any form of law enforcement is considered a para-military organization. This is to include all aspects of custody and control wheather it be at the county jail or a state prison. Within such organizations the chain of command is the back bone of operations, with ...Read More

Who Is Watching the Watchdog?

 Not the Courts. On the night of April 9, 2007, a Lieutenant received a phone call at home from his employer, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (“CDCR”), informing him that he would be interrogated the very next morning by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), an agency ...Read More