Not Following Orders? Could Result in Insubordination Allegation

Most people would agree that any form of law enforcement is considered a para-military organization. This is to include all aspects of custody and control wheather it be at the county jail or a state prison. Within such organizations the chain of command is the back bone of operations, with ...Read More

The Importance of Being Earnest

Recently Goyette & Associates represented a registered nurse who is a member of the California Correctional Supervisors Association and is employed by the Department of Mental Health. She received a Letter of Reprimand because she authorized treatment of a patient in compliance with the specialized needs of the individual and ...Read More

Superior Court Sides with G&A on 12 Day Suspension Overturned

Goyette and Associates has defeated the Department of Corrections’ attempt to impose discipline on a Correctional Lieutenant employed at Pelican Bay, for innocent conduct that occurred in 2005.  The Department of Corrections attempted to institute 12 days suspension on a Lieutenant for a violation of a purported rule, which did ...Read More

Termination Reduced to Voluntary Demotion with Same Pay

On November 10, 2009 an employee at the High Desert State Prison received some of the worst news anyone in today’s economy can receive; she was terminated effective immediately.  She contacted Goyette and Associates to help her in this time of crisis and her case was assigned to attorney Dan ...Read More