Jury Selection Complete Despite Batson Challenge in Fresno Excessive Use of Force Trial.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 10, 2013 Jury Selection Complete Despite Batson Challenge in Fresno Excessive Use of Force Trial. Fresno, CA January 10, 2013– U.S v. Christopher Coleman, Paul Van Dalen, Sean Plymale and Mike Manfredi Judge Anthony Ishii finally swore in a jury of 12 plus four alternates at ...Read More

Paul Goyette on ABC 30: Excessive force trial begins for 4 police officers in Fresno

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Officer’s Excessive Force Reinstated with Full Seniority

On August 24, 2008, Correctional Officer Jorge Garcia was working a shift in a rover position assisting officers wherever needed for the San Joaquin County Jail.  Suddenly, he received a radio transmission from a partner requesting assistance in Unit 4, a tense and dangerous unit reserved for discipline problems.  As ...Read More

CCSO Vice President Video Testimonial: His Criminal Trial Win

Paul Goyette, Managing Partner at G&A recently represented Chris Gold: CCSO’s Vice President in a criminal trial that would have cost him his career, reputation and entire way of life. To watch the video on YouTube, click Criminal Trial Client Testimonial ...Read More


 It took an El Dorado County jury just 45 minutes to acquit Lt. Chris Gold of two felony and two misdemeanor charges related to an off duty altercation he was involved in with his former father in law.    The background of this case includes an ugly divorce and child custody ...Read More

Paul Goyette Gets Another Win in People vs. Gold

Taken from the closing arguments: “What was this case about? 1.It’s About Perception, or rather Misperception 2.It’s About Self Defense  But it’s really about: What adds up and what makes sense.” We’ll elaborate in the next few days, it’s a great story with a successful win  that pertains to all ...Read More

Testimonial From One of Our Return Association Clients

Hello Jennifer,  Rafael and I communicated by email before the holidays.  If memory serves me, we were going to give [our current representative]  until after the first to respond to our request for the return of our records.  To date I have not heard from them. Regarding [your poetntial associaition],  We ...Read More